“Now that is impact!”

My daughter took Ms. Bissanti's class at the Advent School in Boston from pre-K through the 6th grade. Ms. Bissanti has a gift for moving children through the practices of yoga in the early years through meditation in the later years with intention; a clear understanding of child development and a deep commitment to individual and group growth. As a parent of now a middle schooler I am amazed by how my daughter independently brings her practice into her academics (especially when doing homework and test taking), sports and creative arts endeavors and that has visibly ‘built muscle’ in areas of focus, resiliency, grit, care and empathy for her community and natural environments. She often makes references to Ms. Bissanti’s teachings – references I know she will make for a lifetime. Now that is impact!

— Shaheen Lakhani, Parent


“…The skills children learn through yoga and meditation give them a deeper connection and sense of peace”

The yoga and meditation program that Michelle developed at our school is so critical to supporting our students’ identity and building our school community. Michelle’s work with children is so crucial to the education of the whole child. We often hear that phrase, ‛the whole child,’ in education, but too often it neglects to consider children’s mental well being, physical health, and the mind-body connection. It is clear that the children who work with Michelle feel listened to, cared for, and loved; and, the skills children learn through yoga and meditation give them a deeper connection and sense of peace within themselves.

— Amber Lowe, Kindergarten Teacher • Coordinator of Reggio-Inspired Programs at The Advent School

“When I am having a rough day I use the breathing sphere or my breathing strategy … and then I don’t have such a rough day anymore.”

— Student, age 6

“…vital part of our school culture”

Michelle is an intelligent and gracious teacher who always looks at the bright side and brings humor and a cooperative spirit to all of her endeavors – she is also ambitious and committed to teaching and sharing what she is passionate about. Over her tenure at The Advent School, she created a Yoga and Meditation curriculum for all of our grades. It was a curriculum that had never been taught at our school and one that remains a remarkable accomplishment and vital part of our school culture.
     In over 20 years of teaching, I have never met any teacher who has such a gentle command over her students, while imparting, at times, incredibly deep philosophy. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to teach with her – and to learn from her! 

— Tooey Rogers, Science Teacher • The Advent School


“Our students know so much about their inner lives…”

We are so fortunate to have a yoga and meditation program at Advent. Our students know so much about their inner lives because of the program. We often encourage them to use their yoga breathing to calm down when they feel angry or sad. They really use the tools they learn in yoga and meditation all the time!

Kate Morton, 2nd Grade Teacher

“When we do Namaste it always makes me smile. It is like we are sharing something. I know that everyone is connected. Everyone is safe and everyone has a friend.”

— Student, age 6